Ossabaw Island Service Weekend 2023

What an impactful weekend on Ossabaw Island! During September 2023, the Georgia Conservancy spent a weekend of service on the beautiful Ossabaw Island State Heritage Preserve.

Participants worked on two projects in partnership with the Ossabaw Island Foundation.

One group spent Saturday clearing debris and overgrown vegetation from the Torrey-West Mansion grounds, in preparation for the Osssabaw Island Foundation's fall fundraiser.

Others traveled south into the island to Middle Place. This group cleared vegetation from the ruins of tabby cabins that had once housed the enslaved families and individuals who worked in bondage on the island. This work will help ongoing and future archeological research and preservation at Middle Place.

In addition to the tough, meaningful work, participants were able to learn about the island's history, as well as ongoing programming hosted by the Ossabaw Island Foundation.

We also had the opportunity to explore and enjoy one another's company over some wonderful food and beverages! Thank you to Creature Comforts, ASW Distillery, and Cafe Campesino Roastery for quenching our thirsts both morning and evening!

Huge thank you to photographer Megan Varner for these wonderful photos!


Learn more about Georgia Conservancy Stewardship Trips: www.georgiaconservancy.org/trips